Gov’t, Region 10 agree on terms for tariff review

The government and a delegation from Region 10 on Wednesday evening arrived at an agreement for the terms of reference for the technical team which will review the vexed question of higher power tariffs for Linden.
The two sides now have to name their nominees for the team and once constituted it will present a final report within 60 days. Tariff protests in Linden led to the shooting to death of three protesters on July 18 by the police. This then resulted in a blockading of Linden by protesters which has squeezed off supplies to mining areas and Lethem.
A Commission of Enquiry is to be held into the killing of the protesters but the terms of reference for this body are still to be concluded despite government and APNU agreeing to August 2nd as the outside date.
The terms of reference for the technical team follow:
Terms of Reference of the technical team “Agreed on between the GoG and the Region 10 delegation on August 8, 2012, A Technical team will be established to examine all aspects of electricity generation, distribution and tariffs in Linden, and, without prejudice to the generalities of the foregoing, including:-
1. to review the existing provision and consumption of electricity in the Linden community, including the history, the costs, the tariff structure, and the subsidies;
11. to consider arrangements to provide electricity to the Linden community and the tariffs to sustain such arrangements within a sustainable time frame;
111. to examine Region 10′s economic circumstances inclusive of the affordability of increased cost;
IV. to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the integration of the supply of electricity in the Linden area into the national grid; and,
v. to examine and make recommendations on cost saving measures and options for alternative energy, including the facilitation of conservation education and conservation.
The Technical team will report to the two sides fortnightly and will present their final report within 60 days .”

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